Monthly Archives: April

Nineteen million premature deaths are estimated to occur each year due to environmental and infrastructure-related risks and natural-resource use. Resource extraction has also been identified as the leading cause of global biodiversity loss. This has led to an increasing number of countries to rethink their economic development model. “Since Rio+20, an increasing number of countries

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We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

While there is no silver-bullet solution to the toxic tide of plastic surging into our oceans, recycling must form part of the answer. The problem, many experts say, is that current processes are not fit for purpose. The world produces around 300 million tonnes of plastic waste each year. To date, only 9 per cent

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Happy Earth Day!

Mother Earth is a common expression for the planet earth in a number of countries and regions, which reflects the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet we all inhabit. The Earth and its ecosystems are our home. In order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social, and

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida fringilla neque sit amet sollicitudin. Duis aliquam dictum feugiat. Quisque elit tortor, ullamcorper quis ultrices vitae, mattis non est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque vitae turpis lacus. Aenean eu augue nunc. Sed gravida purus tellus, a varius odio euismod fermentum. Duis faucibus elit ut nulla pretium

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