FARS'A Waste Busters

Its Our Bay let's keep it CLEAN and GREEN

FARS'A WASTE BUSTERS, introduces as Waste Management Service provider has variegated leeway of Hazardous and Non-hazardous waste disposal supports and Recycling in this region. We are professionally concerned and fully involved into this field past many years and we have obtained NOC from EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). We emphasize our work for the greenish Environment collecting waste for its disposal to the designated Incineration Plant and approved Landfill sites in Karachi, Pakistan.

We are accompanied with professionals and dedicated team fully involved into their work and responsibilities to differentiate their skills up-to the satisfaction mark of the various reputed valued client/s.The current quality of life and higher measure of resource consumption method has built an un-deliberated and negative influence on the urban environment. These Problems have reluctantly provided opportunity for the cities to find solutions involving the community and the private sector along with innovative technologies and disposal methods.

Unfortunately our country is facing environmental challenges which is irritating concern for the population are arising severe deceases due to insufficient resources of waste disposal methods. We ensure our occupancy to lead the Waste Management services with solutions and offer quality service minimizing the cost impact at sufficient level. We manage and maintain the Client's needs with our commitment to keep the safe environment. At the venue of waste collection, our customer is entitled to avail the advantage of the practical & sustainable waste management solutions available.

We stay at front and extend our capabilities to the Industries challenges professionally and maintaining cost-effective criteria. Lets analyze about if Waste to become Wealth and Trash to become Cash.

Working in collaboration with;

FARSA's Quality Management Policy

We ensure to fulfill our dedicated services on Quality Policy committed to set on service providers by the regulatory standards and ideal Business practice at the performed standard and reliability.
  • We pursue an excellent business relation in the all aspect of our services.

  • We along with our Quality team are fully involved in the principles and Objectives of the Quality Policy.

  • Safety measure meeting before collecting the waste to ensure Availability of Fire sting usher, First aid Box, tool kits & PPE

  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions and upload our process and operations smoothly.

  • An appropriate takes corrective action where past practices have harmed the Environment.

  • Ensure continuous improvement in our activities to prevent pollution of Air, land and water.

  • The health and safety policy of the company shall be communicated to all Employees and to all interested parties.

  • Pragmatic support and dress rehearsal will be conducted to measure beneficial and ideal outputs neutralize fruitfully.

  • We also meet the customer expectations at the level of Waste Management Quality Policy and appraisal program effectively implemented for betterment.

  • Maintain and take preventive measures for a continuous improvement Related to Quality Management Systems

  • Smoking is expressly forbidden in all company premises, except in the Designated smoking area with compliance with No Smoking Policy.

Purpose & Values

We follow the least privilege access control principle to ensure that our team members only have access to the information and resources that are necessary.

Our Strong desire to predicate this company is to punctuate the awareness, environmental stewardship actuating of contemporary technology and to initiate latest techniques for Environment and waste disposal services, some of the main resolution are highlighted as below;Provide a waste disposal services that can recognize the financial constraints and make collections more effectively and efficiently. Awareness campaign for delivering knowledge about operating procedures, requirements and validate disposal of waste materials without turbulence or pollution. Act as community leaders and manage waste collected on sites and in its surrounding more effectively.Supply training to educate employees on Waste Management standards and commitment to ethical conduct, diversity and inclusion. Enforcement of environmental protection polices, participation in colloquium, training foundry and to keep in touch with other confederation working in the identical region. Allow employees to confidentially or anonymously communicate breaches in ethical or inclusive behavior without fear of retribution.Reduce the impact of waste on the environment by ensuring that all emissions meet the standards implemented by the NEQS of EPA Pakistan. Provide hazardous and non-hazardous waste management agenda, measures, Services and trained the relevant man power to properly and continue dispose of the waste material safely. Introduce safety measures, use and observe preventive action & precautionary while transporting or handling the hazardous waste products. Contrive meetings, training agenda for concern employees of clients to deter loss factors and how to react in exigencies.

Company History

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3. 11. 1953

Bright Green Beginnings

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1953 - 1970

The Golden Years

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi. Praesent fringilla pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Nunc id massa ut mi tempus mattis ac eu lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
1980 - 1991

International Recognition

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Waste Management Today

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi. Praesent fringilla pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Nunc id massa ut mi tempus mattis ac eu lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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